Leadership Training Recap

It has been a little over a month since my family attended the Bishop T.D. Jakes leadership training. As I continue to think about the big takeaways from that training there are a few things that stand out in my mind.

1.) Leaders look for problems. This one really resonated with me because people get paid to solve problems. If you want to start a business, or get a raise on your job look for problems and have solutions. People will pay for people to solve their problems.

2.) You can't run a business and not like people. Having strong relationships is the backbone of a great business. There is no way that you can be successful, and always have a bad attitude. At some point in life you are going to need others so burning bridges is not the way to go. I am not talking about toxic people; if people are bad for your life then eliminate them. However, if you always seem to be cutting people every single year maybe you are the problem, and you need to reassess your life.

3.) Let it go! When you have relationships with people they are bound to hurt you at some point because none of us are perfect. The big thing to remember is to let it go! Forgive them and move on even if you don't get the apology that you expect. Life is seriously too short for any of us to hold petty grudges against one another.

4.) Time is an equal opportunity employer. This is something that I truly loved. Often times people get jealous of others because they feel that they have certain things that they wish they had. If you want something different for your life you have to go out and get it. We ALL have the same 24 hours. Some people just maximize their time. You can't get mad if someone else is living your "dream life" the difference between you and them is that they got up and made it happen. If you want a better job go find one. If you want more money go make some. If you want to lose weight go exercise and eat better. If you are tired of being stressed out about money sit down and make a budget. The people you see winning at life are intentional about their wins they aren't just "lucky!"

5.) Don't hide your flaws. This one is really hard for me at times. I like to make it appear that everything is together on the outside, but I am learning that this does not make you relatable at all. People can't learn from perfect people. Bishop Jakes said that our scars and tears are what make us authentic. I also recently went to a women's fellowship at church, and our first lady talked about how the very thing that we want to hide is our platform. I never thought that I would openly talk about finances because that's just something you don't do, but I realized that I want as many people around me to be wealthy because life is way more fun when all of your friends are on the same page and winning with money! I also talk a lot about our experiences as a newly married couple because I want people to understand that life will throw you curve balls, and no one lives happily ever after without intentionally investing in their relationship.

At the close of the workshop Bishop Jakes had us write down some areas of our life that we wanted to see an improvement in. He said the areas of your life that you spend time investing in is where you will see a return on your investment. He closed with this question...Where are you spending your time? I would challenge you to evaluate this question are you reaping a harvest in the areas of your life that you want to or are you spending time on things that don't really matter to you?

Although this training was more than a month ago many of the topics discussed during this workshop are still in my thoughts. I wanted to share a tidbit of the information that I gathered with all of you all! Have an amazing week!

The family waiting for the leadership workshop to begin! 


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